Digital transformation requires Continuous Integration
Delivery teams competing in the digital world have to move faster and more efficiently to compete. Continuous Integration services are an important enabler, but it may also require some fundamentals shifts, such as:
- Maintaining a single source repository for all your software code – It’s not enough to have one. Everyone on the delivery team needs to use it.
- Fully embracing automation in the dev/test environment – Automate every manual step you can in build and test.
- Selecting the right tools – No one vendor can provide them all. Pick the right ones for your environment and integrate them into your process.
- Conducting Unit Testing – This is the basis of testing your software. Test your methods and classes independently.
- Using Automation Acceptance Environments – If all functional tests are successful, you can create an acceptance environment on the fly.
- Getting everyone on the same page – Success requires alignment around the goals of your Continuous Integration effort – from senior management to entry-level staff.
- Providing visibility into the software development lifecycle pipeline – This helps keep decision-makers and teams on the same page as mentioned above.