
The 5 Trends that Will Shape Healthcare in 2020

Digital advances are driving innovation in all areas of healthcare. Robots have been proven to be more precise than surgeons and AI can diagnose cancers with a success rate of...

Bot Testing for Beginners

Remember how apps used to be? They connected to the internet, incorporated one device at most, and maybe we had to factor in a few different interrupts, but it was fine because we...

Hang on Tight… 2017 is Going to be Quite a Ride!

When it comes to enterprise app development, the old sales mantra “the customer is always right” applies. If the past twelve months has taught us anything, it’s that the...

View from the Labs: How Can Chatbots Help Your Business?

With the advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning coupled with the exponentially increasing data that businesses have to churn, leveraging AI to automate...