3G telecom services in India

Reading Time: 2  min

As all of us are aware that auction for 3G spectrum in india is near to complete and the auction statistics are coming beyond than expectations. So I am thinking that let us identify the possible business opportunities using 3G services in India.

First of all what is 3G telecom services?
3G means third generation and nothing but services provided as per IMT-2000 (IMT=International Mobile Telecommunications) standard. This enables a single platform to deliver variety of services like fixed, mobile, voice, data, internet and multimedia services. Also it make services very effecient and enable higher transmission rate.

What will be advantages of 3G?
1. Seamless global roaming
2. Minimum speed of 2Mbit/s if we will not use service in any moving vehicle.
3. Minimum speed of 348kbit/s in moving vehicle.

1. http://www.itu.int/osg/spu/imt-2000/technology.html

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