Is Domain knowledge important in Software Testing?

Reading Time: 4  min

Most of the customers/companies always look for optimizing the process for better results, so they will give high priority to the experience expertise’s in their new venture because they can add value to S/W Testing.   So one of the key factors for any success is adding Domain expertise’s to the Project/Product.

Domain expertise is important in software testing because the person who has domain knowledge can test the application better than others. The domain knowledge plays an important role in software testing as one of the software testing principle says “Testing is context driven” which means the testing performed for a Financial application is different than testing done for Insurance/heath care application.

When we test a particular product, we have two kinds of axis where Y axis denotes the technology and where as the X axis denotes the domain. Domain is common for all technologies. Domain experts can write the business driven scenarios to execute the actual business, whereas Technology experts will be able to write scenarios on the technology which makes their scope narrow.

Advantages of Domain knowledge:

  1. Reduces the Training time:   A person can be productive quicker than a person that has zero domain/industry knowledge. So it adds value to project/product.
  2. Good idea on Functional flow (Work flow), the Business processes, and Business Rules: It will help in better way to understanding the product requirements.
  3. Good idea on UI features: It will help the person for improving the look & feel as well caught more bugs at initial stage itself on UI front.
  4. Good idea on Back end Processing: how effectively/ efficiently the data/code is handled
  5. Domain knowledge is also important to defect triage: Knowing how the application will likely be used and how it is expected to perform, will tell QA whether a given defect is trivial, significant, or critical.
  6. Terminology: Reporting in the language of the business, resulting in good rapport with the business team
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