Blogs - Experience, Data & Analytics And Artificial Intelligence


Best Examples Of How Global SME’s Are Scaling Their Online Business

As per Oberlo, there shall be over 2.14 billion online shoppers in 2021. But, how many of them are choosing SMEs? It’s the National Small Industry Day on 30th August. And...

Trends in Fashion eCommerce Industry To Maximize CX & Sales

As per the Statista Digital Market Outlook, fashion eCommerce Industry is the biggest eCommerce segment, growing at a rate of 9.1% per year. The question that arises is – how do...

How does personalization enhances customer experience and drive sales in B2B eCo...

Personalization is the call of the times. The concept has been around since the inception of marketing, yet there is sluggish adaption when it comes to the B2B sector....

Customer Experience (CX) Changing the Face of Online Retailers

A study by HBR Analytic Services found that getting customer experience (CX) right is more crucial for retail than all other industries combined. It’s not a revelation that...

Azure scaleset – Let me scale you!

The Challenge We have been working on application with a complex matching logic that runs against 30M+ record of elastic search to find the matches. After trying different...

Strategies for Driving B2B Customer Experience (CX) To Boost Revenue

Recently we notice everyone talking about customer experience (CX) – yet much of this focus has been on the B2C sector. Regrettably, the same kind of popularity is missing in...

10 Easy Tips to Double The Conversion Rate Of Your Online Store

Whether you're bringing people to your online store via content marketing, paid ads or affiliates, each visitor who leaves your website without purchasing anything is a dropped...

Solr Search Implementation And Performance Improvement Guide On Sitecore Based W...

Site search is one of the main functionalities of any sitecore site, and building this functionality considering best practices and performance is very important. This...

Increasing Importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) To Improve Customer Experi...

Everyone is familiar with artificial intelligence (AI). Many eCommerce websites leverage the technology to offer their shoppers a more satisfying customer experience (CX). AI is...

Top 6 Reasons Why Omnichannel Experience Strategy Is Important For Boosting eCom...

Omnichannel retail is a multichannel approach to earning sales that aim to offer the customer a seamless shopping experience whether the customer is buying online from a mobile...

Google Universal Analytics is going away in 2023: How to migrate to GA4?

Google has announced its plan to sunset Universal Analytics, making way for Google Analytics 4. The standard version of GA4 shall come to an end in 2023. To be precise,...

Boost Your Online Sales This Holiday Season by Focusing On These Critical eComme...

We're very soon going to enter the most active time of the retail season. Given the current ultra-competitive situation in the eCommerce market due to Covid-19 pandemic, 2020...

Strategies To Boost B2B eCommerce Business During COVID-19 Pandemic

The novel coronavirus pandemic has impacted the entire businesses across the world since December 2019. Almost, every country was locked down to limit crowding and to break the...

Key Customer Experience (CX) Strategies to drive conversions on your eCommerce W...

eCommerce business globally has grown the fastest than any other in the past decade or more. Global leaders like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and others have grown manifold. Global...

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