Blogs - Experience, Data & Analytics And Artificial Intelligence


Measuring Digital Debt: A Structured and Methodical Way to Lead to Record Succes...

Measuring digital debt, the consequence of a poor or insufficient digital strategy, can be tricky for even the most careful insider. It’s all too easy for internal biases or...

4 Stages of Corporate Digital Readiness: Where Does Your Company Fall?

Being able to continue advancing IT organizations is a never ending battle.  With decades of complexity and the high cost to support legacy systems, converting much of the...

What to Expect in the Future of Fintech

Fintech, or financial technology, is a business model that can both replace and complement traditional banking practices by enhancing and accelerating financial services. Valued...

Dynamic Testing Grids: The Secret to Continuous Testing Agility

So you’re on the verge of launching your new solution. Or, your digital initiative has gotten off to a great start but now you need to scale, rapidly. Whatever your precise...

Minimum Lovable Product is the New MVP

Arguably the biggest benefit of implementing agile product development is the continuous feedback loop that is created by releasing product improvements in increments. Agile...

Three Benefits of Technical Excellence

Keeping up with people’s changing needs and interests in the world of technology requires great skill and time management. One of the ways to achieve this relative to...

4 Reasons Private Equity Firms Should Be Concerned About Digital Transformation

Every business by now is familiar with the term “digital transformation,” and for good reason. When done right, digital transformation has the potential to revolutionize the...

Old Systems Meet New Customer Demands

Consumerism today requires companies everywhere to respond faster to the demands of the customer. Whether it be social, voice, web, or in-person, the customer journey takes on...

Understanding User Experience (UX) and Its Importance

If you’re not thinking about your customer’s user experience, you should be. Understanding users and their needs and preferences is crucial to obtaining new customers and...

Why 2019 Will be the Breakout Year of Intelligent Test Automation

If you look at any recent article on the hot tech trends for 2019, the chances are good that automation and AI will be fairly high on the list. What you might not have read,...

Data Management and the Struggle to Stay Ahead


2019 Breakthroughs: Data, DevOps and Optimized Digital Transformation

A year ago, we identified trends and predictions for 2018 dealing with different facets of digital transformation and its implications for the enterprise. As businesses everywhere...

The Secret to Virtual Project Management

The short answer is, no. For years, companies have struggled with managing the constraints presented in the project management triangle. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. In...

Transforming Into Agile: Pitfalls to Avoid

Digital transformation is happening across nearly every industry. Everywhere you look companies are fighting to become more reactive to customer wants and pursuing more...

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