Blogs - Experience, Data & Analytics And Artificial Intelligence


Everything You Need to Know About Shift Left Testing

It’s becoming increasingly important for organizations to “Shift Left.” Shift Left refers to the practice of starting testing earlier in the software development lifecycle,...

Apps for Connected Cars – How to Drive Your Way to Success

The era of the smart car has officially arrived. With new apps and capabilities popping up every day, the connected car is quickly becoming the only kind of car. People now expect...

Testing for New Input Devices: 3D Touch and the Apple Pencil

When was the last time you wrote with a pen or pencil? Most of us now use computers and smartphones so the humble pen and pencil have started to fade away. Technology by its very...

New Testing Challenges of iOS 9-based Applications

After some initial issues with downloads, iOS 9 finally landed on Wednesday, September 16. For the first time an iOS launch has not left any device behind, which means that anyone...

Planning for iOS 9 and the iPhone 6S

After months and months of rumors, leaked images and speculation, Apple finally announced its latest suite of products. Along with new additions in the shape of Apple TV and the...

How You Can Get Ready for the Wearables Revolution

Let’s talk wearables, shall we? For a while now they have been ‘the next big thing’ in device hardware, with promises to revolutionize tech in the same way smartphones have...

What Windows 95 Can Teach You About App Development

Twenty years ago, this happened. And everything changed. What this very dated video of Friends stars Mathew Perry and Jennifer Aniston shows is the now iconic Windows 95. With...

Using Continuous Integration to Build More Secure Apps

If you’re reading this, then the chances are you are online. That being the case you can hardly have failed to see the news around the Ashley Madison hack. It may not seem on...

Why Should You Use Continuous Integration?

What is Continuous Integration (CI)? Put simply, it is the process by which software engineers continuously update working copies of code to a shared location several times a day....

Using the Agile Methodology for the Internet of Things

Until recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) was just an idea that a lot of people in the tech world talked about, but that the everyday person didn’t know or care much about....

Choosing the Right Automation Framework

When it comes to testing apps, a significant amount of time and resources needs to be devoted to the process in order to make sure that everything works perfectly once the app...

Mobile App Testing in Cloud Environments

Cloud computing and storage have quickly become two of the most important tools available for mobile app developers. Cloud platforms allow developers to build websites and apps...

Mobile App Security – What Are You Missing?

In today’s ever more connected world, people are increasingly turning to the apps they have on their smartphones just to get though the day. What was once just a way to play the...

Agile Development – Hot New Buzzword, or the Real Deal?

The term “agile” is used in software development to describe methodologies for incremental software development.   Agile development is different from traditional project...

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