Hundreds of QA professionals descended on Anaheim for the 2011 Starwest Conference & Expo (and for other things, such as networking and maybe just a wee bit of Disneyland rides), which has been billed as “the world’s largest conference on Software Quality Assurance.”
It was my first time attending this conference, which is the largest gathering of QA professionals, experts, and technology vendors of its kind. Everyone who’s anyone in the field of QA was there: QA Directors, QA Managers, QA bloggers, CEOs, CTOs, industry thought leaders, leading software and testing vendors, consultants, testers, developers and more.
The weather may have turned sour (not the OC whether that I know) just as the Starwest Expo got under way in Anaheim, but there was no dent in the enthusiasm of the expo attendees who were determined to learn about the latest in the QA world .
Talking to Expo participants
We spoke with hundreds of QA professionals who were curious to learn about our innovations in mobile testing and our state-of-the-art test management tool – QMetry. At this conference, we also unveiled the mobile version of QMetry as well as an advanced version of QMetry-ACE (Advanced Certification Engine). We found ourselves overwhelmed with the level of interest shown by the Expo attendees. But hey, we loved every bit of it. In fact, we had people waiting in line to watch a demo of QMetry and we had to schedule some demos for the next day. The constant gathering of folks around Booth #15 (yes, that’s where we were situated ;)) was a matter of envy for the rest.
Another key highlight of the event was our CTO — Manish Mathuria’s presentation on “Mobile Testing — Old wine in a new bottle”. In this session, a huge number of audiences learnt about the differences between traditional testing and mobile testing, latest tools, technologies and frameworks and future of mobile testing.
Not to forget, we had quite a few interesting freebies to give-away, designed specifically for QA folks. Our QMetry Ladybug Stress ball, our T-Shirts that supported Andy Glover’s cartoon “Bugs have feelings” and “Eat, Sleep Test â„¢” and Apexon sports bags were in high demand and we had people trying to trade freebies that they received from other exhibitors. Apexon’s partner Perfecto by Perforce’s helicopter game drew huge crowds as well.
In sum, it was a very well organized event, and a must attend for you if you have anything to do with, even remotely, software quality assurance.
Sandip Patel - Showing off the Bug and the Bag
More interesting pictures from the Starwest QA conference coming soon (it’s a promise :)).