The Million Dollar Bug: Discover it before it discovers you!

Reading Time: 5  min

Every CEO, CIO, QA manager, designer and developer wants to build a perfect software application; a robust application that performs under all circumstances and all times. Absolutely no lapse in quality is tolerated by end-users or by other stake holders. In most cases, the buck stops at Quality Assurance manager’s desk. QA leaders need to define processes that not only deliver top quality applications, but also need to ensure that all bugs are discovered before applications reach end customers.

However, once in a while, a small and seemingly invisible bug is discovered, not by the software testing team, but by end-users. When that happens, company’s finance officer writes down millions in unexpected losses and competitors rejoice. Last year, Toyota experienced what we call “The Million Dollar Bug (MDB)”. Toyota’s recall of over 400,000 vehicles is a good example of a small bug causing losses worth millions. That bug, in its essence was the “Million Dollar bug”.

The challenge is that no processes can be set to catch the MDB without significantly increasing QA costs and effort. So, how do you discover the MDB? How can you train your teams for it?

To address this question, we are hosting a FREE   Webinar next week, presented by Apexon CEO Rutesh Shah. He will share his knowledge and experience to help software testing teams learn how to think out of the box to catch software flaws that cannot be discovered otherwise. He will share practical tips on how you can orient your software testing teams to discover the microscopic yet fatal software bugs in the most efficient way.

This session will cover the following:

– – Defining the “Million Dollar Bug (MDB)”
– – Examples from the industry
– – How to train your teams to think out of the box?
– – Steps to resolve these more quickly and efficiently.

What will you learn?

– Understand the impact of small but fatal software flaws.
– How to discover the Million Dollar Bug?
– How to orient and train your team to catch the MDB
– Steps to resolve these more quickly and efficiently.
Who should attend:

Software Developers, Testers, Project Managers, CEO’s, CTOs, CIO’s, IT Managers, QA managers and everyone else who is committed to delivering supreme quality to the end users.

Attend this webinar if you want to learn how you can discover the “Million Dollar Bug” quickly, without investing more time and money into your software testing process.

 You can register for this webinar Here

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