Success Story healthcare

Healthcare Revenue Management Firm Reduces Claim Denials by 95%

customer's claims filing process automation

With healthcare management and legislative changes across the USA, manual claims management is becoming an increasingly tedious operation, where errors and delays can lead to expensive claim denials.

When a healthcare revenue management company faced increasing claim denials due to poor filing processes, Apexon helped them meet revenue targets with an automation solution.

the Results

Key Outcomes

In summary, the customer’s claims filing process was rapidly automated, enabling them to save costs and deploy more accurate services:

Reduced denials due to lack of timely filing by 95%

Mobile Testing
Accurately assign payer or patient responsibility for each claim

The challenge
the key areas

Having to integrate automation into systems that dealt with multiple, disparate payer websites presented its own set of challenges. Additionally, the client needed an automated way to check claims status on their payer portal and take action on the basis of the member’s historical transactions.

The Solution

5 key areas

Using a combination of RescueNet Billing, Payer Logic, and our proprietary automation frameworks, Apexon was able to:

Identify & Evaluate Claims

Extract member history data, employ string manipulation, and define business rules to identify and validate denied claims

Denial Filing Process Automation

Automate the denial filing process to the patient or payer in accordance with set logic

Desktop Automation

Establish desktop automation to validate the member status within RescueNet

Web Automation

Web Automation

Deploy web automation to crawl through payer Logic and other webpages

Excel-based Automation

Excel-based Automation

Deliver Excel-based automation to read individual work orders